2017 – That’s a Wrap! 

It’s been a topsy-turvy kind of year, and for many reasons, I for one will be glad to see the back of it. 

2017 was the year I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Rosacea and perhaps taken a bit more seriously by the medical profession, that I’m not just a hypochondriac. 

Its the year that our little Maggie joined our family and turned our lives upside down.   But also, sadly, the year that we lost someone, someone who will never be replaced. 

Our Maggie Princess

Its been the year where I’ve learnt the most about myself. The year where I’ve challenged myself beyond my wildest imaginations, but also the year where my eyes have been opened to certain things around me. So a year of change I guess you could say, and some things are for the better, especially going in to a new year. 

In January this year (obviously), I set myself 6 goals for 2017 (read that post HERE).  6 things that I wanted to try and do, 6 things that I hoped my body would let me try and do. I don’t do new years resolutions, but instead like to set myself goals. If I dont reach them, then hey, I’ll give it a other go.

So here’s how I got on with those goals:

  1. On 11th April, after 18 months of fighting, I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Further more I have also  even diagnosed with Rosacea and I have also been told I have degeneration in my neck, so I guess it’s been a year of discovery. 
  2. I have completed 2 books which is quite good for me. I have been struggling to read more due to have serious boughts of dizziness and nausea, so I have only been able to read now and then. But my stash of 8 books seem to have multiplied and had babies. Thanks Amazon!
  3.  I have managed to walk a little further when my back has allowed me to. In April I walked for a total of 2.21 miles in one go, so for me that was impressive!  But I also took on a challenge to raise money for Arthritis Research UK, and walked a total of 180 miles in the whole month of September! But everyday I take the walking challenge as far as I can. I’ll do whatever my body allows me to and just be grateful for small victories! 
  4. My little Hamish has grown up so quick this year, he has now been on 2 shoots and a beating day and has done so well. It’s a new experience for him, and also one that we have worked our backsides off preparing him for, so it’s been emotional to see our hard work paying off! I also got to work him myself, which has was a new experience for me, and here he is with the bird he flushed (which has was then shot!), proud mummy or what! 
  5. I have not managed to go swimming this year, mainly due to time and a lack of confidence. I have however bought a swimming costume, so when I find my courage for going in the water again, atleast I’m prepared! 
  6. In March I completed a Canine First Responder course. It was a full day course, with lots to learn, and lots of practical learning too! Although I’ll just say the teddy dog was a hell of a lot easier to muzzle than Hamish! Husband and I have also signed up to do a Canine Coaching Diploma, and so far I have passed 2 modules with 100% in both!
Hamish and his bird

So I guess I’ve don’t not bad this year, I’ve done what I can, when I can, and you know what, that’s fine because I am human and I’m only one person. 

2018 is going to be the year where I look after me, do what makes me happy and learn from experiences. 

So here’s to another year of endless possibilities, goals, challenges and achievements. 

As we say here in Scotland….. 

Lang may yer lum reek! 

**As a side note… The Canine First Aid course was a real eye opener for me, especially now having 3 working dogs, which means injuries. Please if you can, get yourself booked on to a course like this, whether it’s Human or Animal, you never know when you may need to save a life**.

7 thoughts on “2017 – That’s a Wrap! 

  1. Wishing you a very happy new year, Kat (a little belated but I hope you don’t mind)! You really have done a fantastic job with your 2017 goals, the official diagnosis must have been a real relief for you. You’ve done a brilliant job with your courses, 100% in your first two modules is a seriously impressive achievement! All of your dogs are doing brilliantly as well, Maggie is a total heartwarmer and Hamish licking his chops with his bird above did make me smile! I’m sure you’re going to show 2018 who’s boss in exactly the same fashion!!

    Abbey xxx

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